Village Board October Minutes
January 2024 Village minutes
march minutes 2024
April minutes 2024
May minutes 2024
Village February 2024 Minutes
Village Board Meeting Minutes - October
November 2023 Minutes
2024 Board Meeting Dates
Village Board Meeting Minutes- Sept 2023
Village Board Meeting Minutes- July 2023
Village Board Meeting Minutes- June 2023
Village Board Meeting Minutes- May 2023
Village Board Meeting Minutes- April 2023
Payson Village Board- Regular Meeting- April 11th, 2023 Meeting called to order- Mayor Dever asks for roll call. Those present were: Chris Dever, Amanda Window, Roger Sunde, Kristi Shelton, Kyle Beckman, Robert Stock, Gary Epperson, and Don Benjamin. Matt and Brad Mellon, Barney Bier and Jason Perry were in attendance as a guests. Secretary’s Report: Roger motioned to accept the Secretary’s report from March, Robert seconded and all were in favor. Guests/Communication/Recognition: 1. N/A Maintenance Report: 1. Water Tower update- We have received project planning approval- now we wait to see when funds will be available- either this fiscal year or next which begins in July- will be based on our ranking. We can keep moving forward to be project ready when funds are available- this may also help our ranking. Kyle motioned to proceed with EPA loan application process and updated agreement with Klingner. Rob seconded and all were in favor. 2. Pallet racks- Price has gone up a little, Jason is still working on this. 3. Culverts- 1 will be put in at Goodings in the subdivision and another by the township shed- these will be next on the list. 4. Sample taps installation was started today- these will be by each well. EPA has mandated these to test the output and do water quality tests by well. 5. Trailer- Jason got a quote on ours- it is worth about 2-3,000. A new one will be about 10,000. Jason will work on a trade in deal and let the board know more solid numbers next month. 6. Sewer issue at Cheryl Brown’s- late March/early April, Cheryl had sewer coming up in her basement. Jason was called and he pulled the manholes closest to her house- the upper one was clean, the lower one looked clean- Brinkman plumbing came out and camera’d the line- he didn’t find anything on her- found a blockage about 6 feet from the lower manhole. Jason directed Brinkman plumbing to bill the village for the call. Jason also let Cheryl know that she may want to get a backflow preventer valve and a quote from Brinkman to have one installed since they were there- she did not have one. Board discussed the issue at length and agreed to let Cheryl know that if she has any further issues, to have her lawyer contact the village’s lawyer. Police Report: 1. Police are working on some ongoing issues that they have written on their board. 2. The old restaurant is for sale and in disrepair- bricks are falling off the building. This was discussed previously, but is getting worse and is a safety hazard. The board discussed having Barney follow up on the letter he previously sent and issue a ticket. Same for the Dollar General grass- they need to mow their lot behind the store. 3. Have had several complaints of speeding trucks down Fulton- cops have talked to them, but the board wants a cop to sit on Fulton around 7:15am or 3:15pm to try and catch them to further deter the situation. Parks: 1. Lights posts are in and will be installed later this spring when weather and time permit. 2. Park events- Kyle has been in contact with many food trucks and has Willie’s Bean Co, the Burrito truck, Fruitopia, Big Bro’s BBQ all lined up to come- the dates will be posted on the village website. Once schedule is set, the board may look at coordinating a movie in the park on a night a food truck will be there. Monthly Bills/Treasurer’s Report and Misc. Financial Reports: 1. Bills for March- Kristi motioned to approve expenses, Kyle seconded and all were in favor after roll call vote. 2. Our fiscal year ends April 30th, so budget needs/items need to be thought about and given to Kristi. 3. Wade Stables presented a letter of engagement for the annual audit- Kristi motioned to approve Wade Stables to do the audit and to have Chris sign the letter of engagement. Roger seconded and all were in favor after roll call vote. Old Business: 1. Town Clean-up- Chris got a few quotes- GFL/Area would be $2100/truck and they estimated they would need about 5 trucks to get it all picked up. They have June 30th open. Rolling Containers in Liberty would bring dumpsters to the maintenance shed for people to bring their stuff to for $600/dumpster- this would need to be monitored though to ensure only village residents were using them. Steinkamp said they were too overwhelmed at this time, but would consider it next year. Republic did not respond. The e-waste gentleman was also contacted to see about coming back, but have not heard from him yet either. The board discussed options at length and ultimately decided to pass on a clean-up this year and look at it again next year. New Business: 1. N/A Adjournment: Gary made a motion to adjourn. Robert seconded and the meeting was adjourned. Submitted by: Amanda Window Village Clerk
Village Board Meeting Minutes- March 2023
Payson Village Board- Regular Meeting- March 14th, 2023 Meeting called to order- Mayor Dever asks for roll call. Those present were: Chris Dever, Amanda Window, Roger Sunde, Kyle Beckman, Robert Stock, Gary Epperson, and Don Benjamin. Doreta Lalond, Grant Cole, Brad Mellon, Matt Mellon, Jeffrey w/ Klingner, and Jason Perry were in attendance as a guests. Secretary’s Report: Roger motioned to accept the Secretary’s report from February, Gary seconded and all were in favor. Guests/Communication/Recognition: 1. Grant Cole wanted to address the board to see what could be done to get the lot behind Dollar General mowed and maintained- the board has tried in the past, but will have Barney send a certified letter as a warning and then issue a ticket to see if that works. Maintenance Report: 1. Water Tower update- Jeffrey w/ Klingner addressed the board and the public with an update on the Water Tower Project. We have gotten back the Environmental Impacts Determination report and all agencies have given us the green light to proceed. Some reasons the village decided to pursue a new water tower: a. The old tower holds 40,000 gallons and a new one will hold 120,000 gallons which is more in line with what the village needs. The village is supposed to have a water tower that holds at least a 1 day supply of water which would be about 80,000 gallons- the new tower will hold a day and a half water supply. Maintenance on the existing water tower was estimated to be about $500,000 so it will be more cost effective and make more sense to replace the water tower than repair the old, undersized one. Next steps- Klingner will work on Finance/Funding approval- should hear by the end of the month. If we get approval, the project will go through design, permits, and bidding processes- the village is hoping to break ground in Fall 2023. Barney is working on title insurance for the lot, but otherwise it is all set. Funding souces- Project estimated to be $2.1 million: Up to 50% Loan forgiveness from EPA $350,000 Adams County Covid money $133,000 Covid money on hand $150.000 Water funds on hand from CCP Loan for remaining balance- estimated to be $1900-$2000/month which has already been offset by water rate increase which went into effect last month. Also, the current loan from Liberty Bank will end at the end of 2024 which is $3500/month. Overall, the village looks to be in good shape to take on this project. 2. Pallet racks- Mike Hummel did not have any- The board discussed giving Jason approval to purchase some if he finds what he needs- up to $3800. Roger motioned, Gary seconded and all were in favor. Police Report: 1. Police are working on some ongoing issues that they have written on their board. 2. The old restaurant is for sale and in disrepair- bricks are falling off the building. This was discussed previously, but is getting worse and is a safety hazard. The board discussed having Barney follow up on the letter he previously sent and issue a ticket. Parks: 1. Lights posts are in and will be installed later this spring when weather and time permit. Monthly Bills/Treasurer’s Report and Misc. Financial Reports: 1. Bills for February- Gary motioned to approve expenses, Roger seconded and all were in favor after roll call vote. Old Business: • Sidewalk from church to Dollar General- previously discussed- is on the sidewalk list to be done when weather permits. New Business: • Town Clean-up- Chris will get bids and advise the board on what we can do. Town wide garage sales are scheduled for the 1st weekend in June and Chris will also get ahold of the e-waste guy and see if he wants to come out and do another event. • Food Trucks/ Community Events- o Willie’s Bean Co will be setting up in the park starting the 1st week of April thru summer- every Wednesday 3:30-8! Typically, we charge $40 for food trucks to use the electric in the park. Since they are going to be using it regularly and on a set schedule, the board unanimously decided to charge them $40/month instead of per week. o Community events and other food trucks were discussed- the board will sponsor Movies in the Park over the summer and Kyle will see about getting donations for a projector, speakers, etc. We will let food trucks know when these are scheduled for and see if any local clubs/organizations want to set up a stand during these to sell popcorn, soda, etc. Adjournment: Rob made a motion to adjourn. Gary seconded and the meeting was adjourned. Submitted by: Amanda Window Village Clerk
Village Board Meeting Minutes- February 2023
Payson Village Board- Regular Meeting- February 14th, 2023 Meeting called to order- Mayor Dever asks for roll call. Those present were: Chris Dever, Kristi Shelton, Roger Sunde, Robert Stock, Gary Epperson, and Don Benjamin. Doreta Lalond was in attendance as a guest. Secretary’s Report: Kristi motioned to accept the Secretary’s report from January, Rob seconded and all were in favor. Guests/Communication/Recognition: 1. Doreta wanted to let the board know how nice the Christmas decor looked! She also asked about replacing the sidewalk between Dollar General and the church. Doreta inquired about the program behind cleaning up properties and what is happening there and wanted to let the board know that she is still seeing dogs running loose and wanted to know what is being done about that. 2. Someone has been shooting paint balls and prying on the front windows at the town hall- Randy has been notified about this and will be on the lookout. Maintenance Report: 1. Water Tower update- Chris had asked Jeffrey at Klingner’s for an update, but didn’t get a response from him. 2. Motor Fuel issue- we split suppliers in 2021 for street oil and didn’t get bids submitted- at the time, this was allowed, but now they are saying it wasn’t. The board will need to re-allocate monies next year to off-set this. There are no penalties, just need to realign things. 3. Want to get pallet racks for South Shed- Jason got a quote for this in the amount of $3800 but will get with Mike Hummel on possibility of him having some. Police Report: 1. Discussion was held on the ordinances and enforcing them- can’t more be done? Barney is looking into a case with another town on the same issue and will let the board know the outcome. Any board member can take a picture if an animal is running at large and the officers can follow up and issue a ticket- this is per Barney. Parks: 1. Lights have been ordered for the park. Monthly Bills/Treasurer’s Report and Misc. Financial Reports: 1. Bills for January- Gary motioned to approve expenses, Rob seconded and all were in favor after roll call vote. 2. Ordinance for update to Dogs running at large was presented- Section 3 about the number of dogs was added. This passed 3-2- Barney will get a new one typed up and to the board. Old Business: N/A New Business: N/A Adjournment: Gary made a motion to adjourn. Don seconded and the meeting was adjourned. Submitted by: Amanda Window, Village Clerk
Village Board Meeting Minutes- January 2023
Payson Village Board- Regular Meeting- January 10th, 2023
Meeting called to order- Mayor Dever asks for roll call. Those present were: Chris Dever, Kristi Shelton, Roger Sunde, Kyle Beckman, Robert Stock, Gary Epperson, and Don Benjamin.
Secretary’s Report:
Rob motioned to accept the Secretary’s report from December, Gary seconded and all were in favor.
1. N/A
Maintenance Report:
1. Water Tower update- Klingners are still working on paperwork- should be finalized by February meeting.
2. Tracs for mini- About $1800 each or $3600 for both from Caterpillar.
3. 9 Lamp posts for the park have been ordered- $1350/pole
4. Upgrade of the bay was discussed again- the committee looking at spending half this budget and half next year. Donnie motioned to go ahead with the project and Rob seconded. All were in favor.
Police Report:
1. A ticket was issued for a dog running at large.
2. There was a report of a dog jumping a fence and attacking another dog- Randy was notified of the issue.
1. Basketball was discussed again- after discussion, Kyle motioned to leave it where it's at. Kristi seconded and 4 were in favor, 2 wanted to move it. The motion passed.
Monthly Bills/Treasurer’s Report and Misc. Financial Reports:
1. Bills for December- Kristi motioned to approve expenses, Kyle seconded and all were in favor after roll call vote.
Old Business:
1. N/A
New Business:
1. N/A
Adjournment: Gary made a motion to adjourn. Rob seconded and the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by:
Amanda Window, Village Clerk